?allahhumma azhib anhul harra wal qarra?. (o allah ! remove from him trouble of hot and cold). hassan bin sabit, the poet of rasulullah (s) wrote in his qasidah: [32]. ?how blessed was the physician and the patient?. ...
This entry was posted in Salalah, The Bible, tourist sites and tagged Ayoub, Ayub, burial place of Job, by the skin of ones teeth, daysman, faith not sight, favorite verses of Job, Jabal Qara, Jebel Qarra, Job, Job 19:25-26, Job type of ...
Dimanche 19 octobre s'est tenue la cérémonie officielle de la 2?me édition du festival international du film du Moyen-Orient, elle a eu lieu ? l'hôtel Emirates Palace ? Abu Dhabi aux Emirats arabes unis. Ce festival est organisé par le ...